
Prof Dr Nikola Atanassov (1955-2020) was one of the key figures of the psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic movement in Bulgaria. He was one of the founders and first presidents of the Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Society, of the Masters programme in Clinical Psychology - Psychoanalytic Perspective in the New Bulgarian University, former president of the Bulgarian Association for Psychotherapy, a training and supervising analyst who was fully devoted to the clinical practice and the organisational and scientific life of the analytic community as well as a close colleague, mentor and collaborator of so many. This web page is devoted to his life and work.
Ass. Prof. Nikola Atanassov

S.Freud on art and literature

A new volume by Sigmund Freud containing his works on art and literature was published by colibri, To learn more go to:


The works were translated by Haritina Kostova-Dobreva and edited by Nikola Atanassov.

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